Naar Hayiti

נָעַר הַיִיתִי

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Na'ar Hayiti v'gam zakanti
v'lo raiti tzadik ne'ezov
v'zaro me'vakesh lachem
Hashem oz le'amo yiten
hashem yivarech et amo va'shalom
נָעַר הַיִיתִי וְגַם זַקָנְתִי
וְלֹא רָאִיתִי צָדִיק נֶעֶזָב
וְזָרְעוֹ מְבַקֵש לַחֶם
ה' עֹז לְעַמוֹ יִתֵן
ה' יְבַרֵך אֶת עַמוֹ בַשָלוֹם


I have been young and now I am old; yet have I not seen the righteous​ forsaken,​ nor his seed begging for bread.
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Trans​lation from The Standard Prayer book by Simeon Singer (1915) (public domain)


Birkat Hamazon


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Recorded by: Gella

Recorded by: Stuart Izon
Description: Composed by Peshy Stulberger (but originally recorded by Abie Rotenberg)


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