Yah Echsof

יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף

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Yah Echsof Noam Shabbat Hamete'emet Umitachedet B'segulatecha,
Mishoch noam yiratecha L'am Mivakshei Ritzonecha

Kadshem B'Kedushat HaShabbat Hamitachedet B'Toratecha

Ptach Lahem Noam V'ratzon Liftoach Sha'arey Ritzonecha.

Yah Echsof Noam Shabbat Hamete'emet Umitachedet B'segulatecha.

Hayah hoveh shomer shomrei umesafim shabbat kodshecha

Kemo ayal ta'arog al afikei mayim.

Ken nafsham ta'arog lekabel noam kedushat shabbat hamitachedet beshem kodshecha.

Hatzel meacharei lifrosh min hashabat.

Levilti tihiyeh sagur mehem.

Shisha yamim hamekabelim kedusha mishabat kodshecha

Vetaher libam be'emet uve'emunah leavdecha

Yah Echsof Noam Shabbat Hamete'emet Umitachedet B'segulatecha.

Veyihiyu rachamecha mitgolelim (al midotecha veyihiyu rachamecha mitgolelim) al am kodshecha.

Lehashekot tzeme'ei chasdecha minahar hayotzeh me'eiden

Leater et yisrael betiferet hamefarim otcha beyom hashabat al yedei shabat kodshecha.

Kol shisha yamim lehanchilam nachalat ya'akov bechirech.

Yah Echsof Noam Shabbat Hamete'emet Umitachedet B'segulatecha.

Hashabbat noam haneshamot, behashvi'i oneg haruchot ve'eden hanefashot, lehitaden be'ahavatecha uvyiratecha

Shabbat kodesh nafshi cholat ahavatecha
Shabbat koshesh nafshot yisrael betzel kenafecha yechesayun,
yirveyun mideshen beitecha.

Yah Echsof Noam Shabbat Hamete'emet Umitachedet B'segulatecha.
יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת הָמֵתְאֶמֶת וּמִתְאַחֶדֶת בְסְגֻלָתֶךָ, מְשֹׁךְ נֹעַם יִרְאָתֶךָ לְעַם מְבַקְשֵׁי רְצוֹנֶךָ. קַדְשֵׁם בִּקְדֻשַּׁת הַשַּׁבָּת הַמִּתְאַחֶדֶת בְּתוֹרָתֶךָ. פְּתַח לָהֶם נֹעַם וְרָצוֹן לִפְתּוֹחַ שַׁעֲרֵי רְצוֹנֶךָ. יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת הֵמֵתְאֶמֶת וּמִתְאַחֶדֶת בְסְגֻלָתֶךָ

הָיָה הֹוֶה שְׁמוֹר שׁוֹמְרֵי וּמְצַפִּים שַׁבַּת קָדְשֶׁךָ. כְּמוֹ אַיָּל תַעֲרֹג עַל אֲפִיקֵי מָיִם, כֵּן נַפְשָׁם תַּעֲרֹג לְקַבֵּל נֹעַם קדושת שַׁבָּת הַמִּתְאַחֶדֶת בְּשֵׁם קָדְשֶׁךָ. הַצֵּל מְאַחֲרֵי לִפְרשׁ מִן הַשַּׁבָּת, לבִלְתִּי תִּהְיֶה סָגוּר מֵהֶם. שִׁשָּׁה יָמִים הַמְקַבְּלִים קְדֻשָּׁה מִשַּׁבַּת קָדְשֶׁךָ, וְטַהֵר לִבָּם בֶּאֱמֶת וּבֶאֱמוּנָה לְעָבְדֶּךָ. יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת הֵמֵתְאֶמֶת וּמִתְאַחֶדֶת בְסְגֻלָתֶךָ.

וְיִהְיוּ רַחֲמֶיךָ מִתְגּוֹלְלִים עַל עַם קָדְשֶׁךָ, לְהַשְׁקוֹת צְמֵאֵי חַסְדֶּךָ מִנָּהָר הַיּוֹצֵא מֵעֵדֶן. לְעַטֵר אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּתִפְאֶרֶת הַמְפָאֲרִים אוֹתְךָ (בְּיוֹם שַׁבָּת) עַל יְדֵי שַׁבַּת קָדְשֶׁךָ.
כָּל שִׁשָּׁה יָמִים לְהַנְחִילָם נַחֲלַת יַעֲקֹב בְּחִירֶךָ. יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת הֵמֵתְאֶמֶת וּמִתְאַחֶדֶת בְסְגֻלָתֶךָ

הַשַּׁבָּת נוֹעַם הַנְּשָׁמוֹת, וְהַשְּׁבִיעִי עֹנֶג הָרוּחוֹת וְעֵדֶן הַנְּפָשׁוֹת, לְהִתְעַדֵּן בְּאַהֲבָתֶךָ וּבְיִרְאָתֶךָ,
שַׁבָּת קֹדֶשׁ נַפְשִׁי חוֹלַת אַהֲבָתֶךָ,
שַׁבָּת קוֹדֶשׁ נַפְשׁוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּצֵל כְּנָפֶיךָ יֶחֱסָיוּן, יִרְוְיֻן מִדֶּשֶׁן בֵּיתֶךָ.
יָ-הּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת הֵמֵתְאֶמֶת וּמִתְאַחֶדֶת בְסְגֻלָתֶךָ


Yah! How I long for

the bliss of the Shabbat, united in secret
with Your own fervent wish. Give way to Your own

deep desire to love us.

May Sabbath in Torah

be our sacred bliss.
Share​ Her with us

who desire to please You- Our deep thirst for union

be met with delight

Holy Presence
filli​ng all time and space! Keep safe who keep Shabbat in their longing all week.
Like a deer that seeks water by the banks of the river,
We seek Shabbat, the secret of Your sacred Name!

Grant​ us all week long

Her shimmerin​g Presence,​ So our hearts and our faith be pure service to You!

Warml​y embrace us

with Your kind compassio​n, Quench quickly our thirst for Your unending Grace. Give us the bliss drink from Eden's own river. Your praises we sing with joy on our face.
Let Jacobs gift to us-

ec​ho all week long Infusing our lives

with a Shabbes-f​illed trace.

Hail Shabbat, delight
of our souls and our Spirits. Ecstasy life-thro​b

am awed by Your love, Secure that Your caring grants safety and nurture- You feed us sweet nectar from Your Source above. As You embrace us

with Mothering​ comfort-
In You I take refuge
and pledge You my love.

Trans​lation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter​-Shalomi


by Rebbe Aharon of Karlin.

Translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. The translation is part of the work Siddur Tehilat Hashem Y'daber Pi hosted on the Open Siddur Project. The translation has not been modified by the Zemirot Database.
The translation is protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Please read the terms of the license before sharing.


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Recorded by: Amir Zadgari
Description: Sefaradi guy attempting to sing a classic Chassidish zemer

Recorded by: Jewish Phoenix

Description: Sefaradi guy attempting a major chassidic tune


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