Sos Tasis

שוש תשיש

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Sos tasis v’tageil ha-akara b’kibutz baneha l’tocha b’simcha.
שוש תשיש ותגל העקרה בקיבוץ בניה לתוכה בשמחה


May she who was barren (Zion) be exceeding​ glad and exult, when her children are gathered within her in joy.

Trans​lation from The Standard Prayer book by Simeon Singer (1915) (public domain)


From the Sheva Brachot.

Recorded tune composed by Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit on the occasion of Zacharya and Avital Frank's wedding. Can also be sung to Lecha Dodi. Studio version available here:
Uploaded by the author.


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Recorded by: Sam Hirsch

Recorded by: Shir Yaakov
Description: Sos Tasis by Shir Yaakov


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